A Roundtable Discussion on Reopening Campus Rec Facilities after Covid-19 (Part II)

Recorded MAY 8TH, 2020



[Moderator Prompt] Use the chat to tell us what school you are joining from.

[1:01 PM] Buchanan, Bucky College of Charleston

[1:01 PM] Sanders, Erin Christina Appalachian State University

[1:01 PM] rodo Appalachian State

​[1:01 PM] Marc Heinecke Winston Salem State 

​[1:01 PM] Sessoms, Eugene D College of Charleston

[1:01 PM] Kimberly Anthony Appalachian State University

[1:01 PM] Kathy Cutrell Piedmont International University

​[1:01 PM] Valerie Kankiewicz Appalachian State

​[1:01 PM] Dei Reich Hi! Wingate university, NC

​[1:01 PM] Mangili, Lauren M UNC Chapel Hill

​[1:01 PM] Brookey, Lindsay UNC-Chapel Hill

​[1:01 PM] Jumper, Ryan A. Old Dominion University

​[1:01 PM] Mitchell Plumer Presbyterian College

​[1:01 PM] Sophia - UNCC UNC Charlotte

[1:01 PM] Scotty Grigsby Columbia International University 

​[1:01 PM] Victoria Roberts  Clemson university

​[1:01 PM] Jim UNC Charlotte

​[1:01 PM] Jody Davis Coastal Carolina

​[1:01 PM] Woodrow Price South Carolina Aiken

​[1:01 PM] Craig McPhail Lees-McRae College

​[1:01 PM] Lavender, John D WINSTON Salem State University

​[1:01 PM] Chelsea Jones Piedmont International University

​[1:01 PM] Tim Stroud Tim Stroud - Davidson College

​[1:01 PM] Racheal Methodist Unv

[1:01 PM] Booher, Ryan D King University

[1:01 PM] Smith, Holly UNCW

[1:01 PM] Stephanie McDaniel Appalachian State University, Go 'Neers

​[1:01 PM] John John Fitzgerald Belmont Abbey College

​[1:02 PM] Jermon Marsh Davidson County Community College

​[1:02 PM] mickey mccauley Furman University

​[1:02 PM] Rita Smith Rita SmithLees-McRae College

[1:02 PM] Tory Barner Norfolk State University

​[1:02 PM] Piscitelli, Nicole Good afternoon,.  NCCU

​[1:02 PM] Cross, Alison Virginia Tech

​[1:02 PM] Marc Piedmont International University

​[1:02 PM] Lisa Powell Christopher Newport University

[1:06 PM] Daren A. Burns Good afternoon everyone!  Please feel free to post any questions for the panelist here in the group chat! ​

[1:06 PM] Dei Reich https://www.acha.org/documents/resources/guidelines/ACHA_Considerations_for_Reopening_IHEs_in_the_COVID-19_Era_May2020.pdf (2 liked)

​[1:07 PM] Daren A. Burns Thanks for posting this link, Dei!

​[1:08 PM] Jody Davis Spoke with a gym out in Utah that is open, they are basing usage on square footage. 1 person per 200 square feet. any heard any other ratios?

​[1:08 PM] Smith, Holly 1 per 100 sq feet was released in ND reopening guidelines

​[1:08 PM] Jody Davis Anyone checked with Atlanta their gyms are open?

[1:11 PM] Dei Reich I feel pretty strongly that we have to be consistent throughout campus. Especially bc I am at a small residential school. It won't make sense for us to go full social distancing if it isn't happening in other places on campus. (1 liked)

​[1:11 PM] Brian Arnold great idea Linda1

​[1:12 PM] Daren A. Burns We've received a lot of questions in the last month related to facility cleaning. Advantage has always had equipment wipes and wipe dispensers, and we are working to extend that offering to include the handheld cleaning sprayers & sprayer backpacks, and are even evaluating some next generation technology offerings such as mobile UV disinfecting light systems (1 liked)

[1:13 PM] Brian Arnold we use vitaloxide

​[1:13 PM] Marc Heinecke Dei Reich was talking to some strength coaches and considering working our the air can travel 10-12 feet we may need to be more extreme social distance

​[1:14 PM] Jody Davis My concern is that the operational cost will be going up. With budget cuts one of the only options is to reduce hours. 

[1:14 PM] Dei Reich Marc Heinecke agreed. 

[1:16 PM] Gabby Dickey-App State Love those ideas, Liz!

​[1:16 PM] Brian Arnold what about water fountains? Anyone have ideas?

​[1:16 PM] Marc Heinecke I'd say keep water bottles off limits make sure they bring their own water (1 liked)

​[1:16 PM] Brandon MacCallum I would love to hear what others are considering for programming options (Group X, Personal Training, etc) if we do return for fall and students are on campus. Do you offer in-person classes? If so, what restrictions are you considering putting into place.  (1 liked)

​[1:16 PM] Jody Davis Anyone thought about red/green tag on equipment. Simply meaning that green tag means equipment has been cleaned and red tag waiting to be cleaned? Any thoughts? (1 liked)

​[1:17 PM] Dei Reich Jody Davis I think it's a good idea. Execution might be a challenge.

​[1:17 PM] Brookey, Lindsay We have talked about having tags on equipment for cleaned/ready to be cleaned...thinking about how to have patrons be accountable for that as well

​[1:18 PM] Jody Davis Agreed, but this would help with flow. Not convinced that we will have to reserve workout times (for our students anyway)

[1:19 PM] Owen McFadden Our facility is used for student fitness, community memberships and academic wellness classes.  In order to meet the needs of our students (fitness v. academic classes), we may turn the gym into a satellite fitness center. (1 liked)

​[1:20 PM] Dei Reich Linda at what point do you decide to do equip check out etc?

​[1:20 PM] Brian Arnold what was that council linda just mentioned?

​[1:20 PM] Dei Reich ACHA

​[1:20 PM] Jody Davis Great idea Owen- we are looking at using our gym space for fitness classes which would help spread out people. Just depends on pick-up BB play and whether or not it will be allowed. Not sure how we can have NCAA BB and not let students play as well.  (3 liked)

[1:21 PM] Lavender, John D How are campus facilities working with their athletic staff?

[1:23 PM] Cross, Alison I was just reading about how the most common way this spreads is by non-symptomatic people and through air rather than touching surfaces then face. So the spacing and limited numbers are going to be so important. (1 liked)

​[1:23 PM] Cross, Alison also I was reading about dwell time for how long disinfectants take to work so time between users on machines should be a consideration too

​[1:23 PM] Piscitelli, Nicole Is anyone requiring face coverings of patrons or just concentrating on spacing and social distancing

[1:24 PM] Cross, Alison I was only planning for staff to wear masks 

​[1:24 PM] Marc Heinecke Usually disinfectants need to be on equipment 10 minutes to work

[1:25 PM] Brookey, Lindsay Right now we are talking about requiring for all staff but only having face coverings be a recommendation for patrons...that may change though

[1:25 PM] Owen McFadden Trying to convince our emergency operational team to allow our fitness center to open up in mid-June or July for our faculty, staff and few on-campus students (figure 50+ may take advantage of this plan).  About 4 hours a day.  Kind of use it as a "soft" opening to learn what we need to do, what works, doesn't work, etc. before the onslaught of our 2500 students and community members come back in August. (1 liked)

[1:26 PM] Daren A. Burns Great idea, Owen!

​[1:26 PM] Lavender, John D What do u do if “joe” was in ur facility 2 days ago and now he tests positive for COVID-19? (1 liked)

[1:27 PM] REYNOLDS, BRITTONI Will you be requiring your Group Ex instructors to wear masks while teaching?

​[1:28 PM] Owen McFadden Does anyone plan to use thermal thermometers, and if so, are they readily available?

​[1:28 PM] Lavender, John D We will use them. Order now. Very hard to get

​[1:28 PM] Knight, Linda A Liz, I love the idea of using the squares for exercise.

​[1:29 PM] Brookey, Lindsay I am not sure how teaching/instructing with a mic would work with a mask. Perhaps just requiring that they wear before/after but not during so that they are able to be heard clearly through their mic? (1 liked)

​[1:29 PM] Daren A. Burns I have loaded a few floor/wall/window custom sign docs in this dropbox link.  This is a Charlotte NC based company.  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/imw2zm6k1haah6y/AADCZUMCoj9SLA9ECC6RbHKWa?dl=0

[1:30 PM] Jody Davis We all rely heavily on student workers to be successful. Doing laundry, cleaning equipment, ect.. it will be interesting to see if some Universities are going to be comfortable putting them on the forefront of santizing and exposure. Wish I had an answer. (1 liked)

​[1:30 PM] Smith, Holly We are planning to let instructors teach unmasked, but mask before/after class. We will not be using mics during the fall semester as of right now 

​[1:30 PM] Chelsea Jones Jody, we will have to rely heavily on student workers as well as we don't have the staff numbers to complete everything on our own quickly.

​[1:31 PM] Lavender, John D Is anyone planning on using pulse ox?  The research on “silent hypoxia” is scary

​[1:32 PM] Owen McFadden Jody, We may have to rely on more custodial help to clean the facility on a more regular basis. (1 liked)

​[1:34 PM] Stephanie McDaniel wow, great point on the pulse ox!!

​[1:34 PM] Daren A. Burns I thought this was a great idea/video that campus rec facilities may consider, regarding letting the students/community know what you are doing NOW to protect them when you reopen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ_XVY5x48Q&feature=youtu.be

[1:36 PM] Lisa Powell What about fitness class fees? Who is charging and who is offering classes for free? 

​[1:37 PM] Stephanie McDaniel plans on safe implementation of  fitness assessments, emergency situations, taking blood pressure (1 liked)

​[1:37 PM] Brookey, Lindsay All of our GF classes are free

[1:38 PM] Lavender, John D People who are using students to assist, is there a legal requirements on how u can use students

​[1:38 PM] Owen McFadden Lindsay B., How do you meet the bottom line if you do not charge for classes?

​[1:41 PM] Brandon MacCallum We normally charge for GX, but have been offering our virtual classes for free to anybody since start of April.  (1 liked)

​[1:41 PM] D.J. Preston Radford has free GX/GF classes for students (1 liked)

​[1:41 PM] Brookey, Lindsay Prior to our student fees are what covered GF to make them free...I am not sure how that will change moving forward (if we lose those funds). We may either have to increase fees on our other revenue generating programs or start charging.

[1:42 PM] Owen McFadden Thanks Lindsay.

​[1:42 PM] Jody Davis John- I have reached out to our legal department about your question. Not sure an answer is available with this "fluid" situation. It will be different for sure.

​[1:42 PM] Liz Greenlee Perhaps a package deal that includes access to virtual classes, live classes, personal training, etc. to make it more appealing to pay for something. (1 liked)

[1:43 PM] Brookey, Lindsay Also, our university allowed us to provide leave pay for all of our students through the month of April, so that helped us continue to offer our Virtual classes for free right now

[1:45 PM] Gabby Dickey-App State For those passionate about creating a culture of inclusive excellence. I've created this Strava club to support our student runners to feel safe no matter the color of their skin. Would love to run with you soon. https://www.strava.com/clubs/collegerecsformaud

[1:49 PM] Lisa Powell very good point! (1 liked)

​[1:50 PM] Daren A. Burns Good call, B.A.! (1 liked)

​[1:52 PM] Jody Davis U of Arizona came out recently with opening up an infirmary on campus to handle the anticipated cases after re-opening. 

[1:54 PM] Daren A. Burns From the NSCA, regarding athletic environments and training SA's: https://www.nsca.com/education/tools-and-resources/covid-19-return-to-training/ (1 liked) NSCA COVID-19 Taskforce Return to Training Resources - The NSCA has built a collection of resources to help our community of strength and conditioning professionals and athletes safely return to training and adapt to the new challenges created by the C...www.nsca.com

​[1:55 PM] Jody Davis Daren- I read that recently- very interesting, would encourage everyone to read that link. Thanks Daren! (1 liked)

​[1:55 PM] Daren A. Burns Thanks to Coach Marc Heinecke at WSSU for sending to me!

​[1:55 PM] Owen McFadden There are masks with plastic in the front for the purpose of someone reading lips.

[Moderator Prompt] if this discussion has been helpful and you would be interested in joining another roundtable discussion , give us a “yes” in the chat.

[1:56 PM] Owen McFadden yes

​[1:56 PM] Sanders, Erin Christina Yes

​[1:56 PM] Sessoms, Eugene D Yes

​[1:56 PM] Lisa Powell yes

[1:56 PM] Buchanan, Bucky Yes

​[1:57 PM] Brookey, Lindsay Yes

​[1:57 PM] Lavender, John D Yes

[1:57 PM] Brian Arnold yes

[1:57 PM] Brandon MacCallum yes

​[1:57 PM] Dei Reich yes

​[1:57 PM] Angela Shook yes

​[1:57 PM] Brandon MacCallum yes

​[1:57 PM] Lydia McCall YES!

[1:57 PM] Linney, Sonya M Yes

​[1:57 PM] Jody Davis Yes

​[1:57 PM] Marc Heinecke yes

​[1:57 PM] April Reid yes

[1:57 PM] Holmes, James E Yes

​[1:57 PM] Bowman, Lyncee (Guest) yes

​[1:57 PM] Jeanne Singley yes

​[1:57 PM] Liz Greenlee yes

​[1:57 PM] Chelsea Jones yes

​[1:57 PM] Chuck Charles, JWU Yes


​[1:57 PM] Marc Heinecke yes

​[1:57 PM] Kimberly Anthony yes

​[1:57 PM] Rita Smith yes

​[1:57 PM] Dei Reich Thanks you :) for hosting

​[1:57 PM] Linney, Sonya M Yes

[1:57 PM] Tim Stroud Yes from Tim - Davidson College

​[1:57 PM] Meadows, Drew Yes

[1:57 PM] Jody Davis Thanks to all the participants! (1 liked)

​[1:58 PM] Lavender, John D Thank u for doing this. Great information. Looking forward to next session (1 liked)

​[1:58 PM] llogue@uscb.edu Yes

​[1:59 PM] Owen McFadden Great to see you Linda, albeit from the web.  Stay safe.  You must have had a great mentor at VT!

[1:59 PM] Jody Davis Good to see you Linda

[1:59 PM] Knight, Linda A Yes Owen McFadden - you are a great mentor!

[2:02 PM] Owen McFadden For those in SC - concerning club sports.  If travel is really tight for our schools, we may want to have round robin play in Columbia (?) to reduce costs.

[2:03 PM] Jody Davis We are in Owen.

​[2:04 PM] Knight, Linda A Thanks Jodi - you too!

[Chat Ended]