A Roundtable Discussion on Reopening Campus Rec Facilities after Covid-19 (Part I)

Recorded April 24th, 2020



[Moderator Prompt] use the chat to Tell us what school you are joining from.

[10:03 AM] Gabby Dickey App State! :)

[10:03 AM] Cross, Alison Ali from Virginia Tech

[10:03 AM] Eddie Simmons Appalachian State University

[10:03 AM] Shelby Stovall - UNC Asheville Shelby from UNC Asheville!

[10:03 AM] Dei Reich Wingate University

​[10:03 AM] Rosenberger, Liz UNC Charlotte

​[10:03 AM] Daren A. Burns Hello all!! Thanks for joining us!

​[10:03 AM] Blake Covington UNCA UNC Asheville!

[10:03 AM] Bowyer, Todd Roanoke College

[10:03 AM] Stephanie Stephanie Flamini - Guilford College

[10:03 AM] Brookey, Lindsay UNC-Chapel Hill

​[10:03 AM] Jim UNC Charlotte

​[10:03 AM] Mike Caro Emory & Henry College

​[10:03 AM] Willey, Jade R. UNC Wilmington

​[10:03 AM] Rickman, Will UNC Chapel Hill

​[10:03 AM] Craig McPhail Lees-McRae College

​[10:03 AM] Mitchell Plumer Hello from Presbyterian College in SC

​[10:03 AM] Stephanie McDaniel Appalachian State University, Boone NC

​[10:03 AM] Thomas, Etienne M. Winston Salem State

[10:03 AM] Smith, Holly UNCW

​[10:03 AM] Clare, Kelly M ECU!

[10:03 AM] Clifton Bobbitt Methodist University

​[10:03 AM] rodo App State

​[10:03 AM] Tim Stroud Davidson College

​[10:03 AM] Mark Ritter - US Upstate Mark Ritter- USC Upstate

​[10:03 AM] Marc Heinecke Winston Salem State University Strength and Conditioning!!!

​[10:03 AM] Sessoms, Eugene D Gene -- College of Charleston

​[10:03 AM] Trotter, Steven Austin Steven Trotter - ECU

​[10:03 AM] Coulson Good Morning all. Coulson from Old Dominion University

[10:03 AM] James Holmes James Holmes William & Mary

​[10:03 AM] DeDe Cox Wake Forest University

​[10:03 AM] Kim Aspelmeier Radford University

​[10:03 AM] Dylan Caspar Lees McRae College

​[10:03 AM] Erin Sanders Appalachian State University 

[10:03 AM] Jim Tomsic Medical University of SC Wellness Center

[10:03 AM] Leah Belt UNC Asheville : )

​[10:03 AM] J Dunbar Univ of NC Greensboro

​[10:03 AM] Linney, Sonya M UNC School of the Arts


​[10:03 AM] John S. Marcotte Welcome...Thank you for being here!

​[10:03 AM] Brian Arnold Gardner-Webb University!

​[10:03 AM] Jumper, Ryan A. Old Dominion University

​[10:03 AM] Angela Shook Appalachian State University

​[10:04 AM] Knight, Linda A College of William & Mary

​[10:04 AM] Mangili, Lauren M UNC Chapel Hill

[10:04 AM] Ashley UNC Greensboro


​[10:04 AM] D.J. Preston Radford University! ​

[10:04 AM] Andy Loufman Furman University (Greenville, SC)

[10:05 AM] Heflin, David G (dh9v) University of Virginia

​[10:05 AM] Justin Winans Justin-UNCP

[10:05 AM] Kimberly Anthony Appalachian State University

[10:05 AM] Holler, Racheal Methodist Unv

​[10:07 AM] rodo Appalachian State University

[10:07 AM] Tim Stroud Davidson College

​[10:07 AM] Brian Arnold yeah, Daren is the man! Thanks Daren! (2 liked)

[10:11 AM] Knight, Linda A Is anyone thinking about, numbering machines and use certain numbers on different days?  giving the six feet distance. (2 liked)

​[10:12 AM] Dei Reich Linda, yes. Or covering every other one and then rotating each day if we can;t move them (2 liked)

[10:13 AM] Shelby Stovall - UNC Asheville @ Linda - We've placed social distancing signage on every other machine and switch them every day to keep mileage even. (2 liked)​

[10:13 AM] Dei Reich The mic feed is fuzzy

[10:13 AM] Mike Caro If you have cardio equipment you can face them toward the walls in the racquetball court to allow people to use them but keep them distances and their breath directed away from others. 

​[10:13 AM] Justin Winans We are thinking more along the lines of restricting numbers of patrons on a graduating scale (minimal starting) and setting up waiting lists or reservation systems with 45min to 1 hour max

[10:13 AM] Marc Heinecke Instead of looking at equipment have we looked at how many people at a time.  That could help to eliminate moving equipment.   limit it to 30-60 minutes then rotate out (1 liked)

[10:14 AM] Jessica A. Alexander Dei Reich sorry about that! Technical difficulties!

[10:17 AM] Tamsen Michael L. Can you share your 100 assumptions/concepts with group

[10:18 AM] LAGOMARSINE, MICHAEL I will share those shortly  (1 liked)

[10:19 AM] John S. Marcotte Has anyone given thought to having sign up times for rec center attendance in 90 minute slots and then allocating 30 min for disinfecting/cleaning? (2 liked)

[10:20 AM] Nicholas I like that idea J. M. (1 liked)

[10:20 AM] Marc Heinecke John S. Marcotte yes sign up for times, allow 10-15 minutes between times to disinfect....depending on size of facility.  

[10:21 AM] Dei Reich John, I think I've seen some commercial fitness centers considering that idea. (2 liked)

[10:21 AM] Tamsen Is anyone considering Clorox 360 machine for overall daily disinfecting?

[10:22 AM] DeDe Cox If limiting occupancy at point of entry, what means or method for communicating to campus partners might be utilized during operational hours? 

[10:23 AM] Marc Heinecke Also consider one door for entrance only one for an exit.    (1 liked)

[10:23 AM] Jim Tamsen we have the Clorox 360 here at UNC Charlotte and have used them for over a year, they are good to have. (2 liked)

[10:23 AM] Hinton, Reggie we have considered the Clorox 360 ... concerns are the price, lead time is 12-14 weeks currently and will likely get worse as more people find out, and the need to let the mist sit on the equipment may cause damage to the upholstery on our equipment  (1 liked)

[10:25 AM] Jim Reggie, we have seen no issues with the mist on our upholstery here at Charlotte (1 liked)

[10:25 AM] Rosenberger, Liz Reggie, I would reach out to your vendors to find out what types of cleaners to avoid on equipment upholstery.

[10:27 AM] Wendy Motch-Ellis our campus recommend one spray system from Hillyard called QT-3 but its caustic to metal so we are now exploring the clorox360 system at UNC Asheville (1 liked)

[10:28 AM] Hinton, Reggie Awesome Jim. Thanks for sharing!

[10:28 AM] Dei Reich Is anyone coordinating with other entities on campus that are facing similar issues? Dining, res life, athletics etc.?

[10:28 AM] Cross, Alison There is a delay in getting Clorax360 but you could check to see if any other depts on campus have one and work out a rotation

[10:29 AM] James DuBose Does anyone use anything else other than the Clorox 360 machine? It seems like an awesome product but I am curious if there are other systems that are currently in use. (1 liked)

[10:32 AM] Larry A. Zinger Is there any conversation of air ionization being put in either through HVAC systems or stand alone units?

[10:33 AM] Robbie M. Waller Does anyone oversee fitness centers within the residence halls and what is your plan for those spaces? (2 liked)

[10:34 AM] Cross, Alison Larry A. Zinger good question, I have been reading about this as a possibility but I'll ask our ICT, IMT and IRT to see if that is a consideration at VT (1 liked)

[10:34 AM] Daren A. Burns ALL: Please feel free to 'pin' the three panelist and Jessica under the 'show participants' tab.

[10:34 AM] John S. Marcotte We've received excellent reviews on the EvaClean system but there will be delays in purchasing this product as well (1 liked)

[10:37 AM] Dei Reich We have academic classes in our building. Not sure who will dictate protocol for those. (1 liked)

[10:38 AM] Erin Sanders Responding to injuires?

[10:38 AM] Wendy Motch-Ellis John Macrotte - can you send that EvaClean not through micrsoft teams - we can't access it (2 liked)

[10:38 AM] PORTER, STEPHON Does anyone have any discipline in place for patrons who do not abide by social distancing policies and if so what it look like? Is it an instant kick out, is it warning then you're gone, is it a strike system. Will it be handled by a pro staff member or student supervisor? 

[10:39 AM] Lavender, John D Has anyone spoken with their legal counsel about this?

[10:40 AM] Gabby Dickey Yas, edutainment! :)

[10:42 AM] LAGOMARSINE, MICHAEL As far as the legal counsel question- we are not to the point yet that we can get counsel for our specific entity. they are still working on university-wide scale.  We are in the research and plan stage and will pivot based on the counsels recommendations/guidelines (1 liked)

[10:43 AM] Tim Stroud Has anyone though about students, faculty, and staff scheduling an appointment to use fitness center (1 liked)

[10:43 AM] Larry A. Zinger Are facilities educating yourselves on "How To" clean and then going forward or are you bringing in 3rd party cleaning professionals?

[10:43 AM] Coulson Yes Tim....with 30mins for cleaning before opening up agai

[10:44 AM] Elton, Dave One another call, one subject that came up was Fitness Equipment that has built in fans, and potentially removing that equipment. Has anyone discussed or thought of that?

[10:46 AM] Knight, Linda A Please can we do this again - next month as we are a little further along? (1 liked)

[10:47 AM] Coulson Has anybody with HK2's found other ways to manage access control?

[10:47 AM] Elton, Dave Can he send out the 100 assumptions? Too small to read.

[10:48 AM] Blake Covington UNCA any thoughts in regards to aquatics as long as social distancing is still in place. how would we still expect to respond in an emergency that would result in necessary contact without hindering the level of care?

[10:48 AM] Johnson, James G is anyone aware of any studies of fans and air movement concerning social distancing?

[10:49 AM] John S. Marcotte You bet...we welcome hosting on a weekly basis for the next several months as new information becomes available. We're happy to send out a survey to determine topics that are of most interest to the group as well (2 liked)

[10:49 AM] Wendy Motch-Ellis Has anyone talked about pools and locker room access/things to consdier

[10:50 AM] Smith, Holly Wendy -- happy to connect on Aquatics considerations if you'd like

[10:51 AM] Stephanie McDaniel Responding to injuries, taking blood pressure, fitness assessment protocols is another great topic with social distancing! (1 liked)

[10:53 AM] Sessoms, Eugene D What considerations have been given to the precautions and safety gear needed for persons, especially students, involved with the disinfection process that we are expecting to be done frequently throughout the day?  What risk are we going to be encountering? (3 liked)

[10:54 AM] Dei Reich I'm thinking it would be helpful to have a consistent message for the campus community vs each dept doing their own thing. (1 liked)

[10:56 AM] Brian Arnold we use this mister: Windsor - Karcher, PS 4/7 BP Mister, Hospital-Grade Misting System (1 liked)

[10:56 AM] Brian Arnold works great!

[10:57 AM] Marc Heinecke fans-Thought I read an article that at a restaurant it was spread thru the AC unit

[Moderator Prompt] if this discussion has been helpful and you would be interested in joining another roundtable discussion , give us a “yes” in the chat.

​[10:57 AM] Stephanie McDaniel yes

​[10:57 AM] Thomas, Etienne M. this was great

​[10:57 AM] Erin Sanders Yes

​[10:57 AM] Marc Heinecke yes

​[10:57 AM] Will Muehl yes! 

​[10:57 AM] llogue@uscb.edu Yes!

​[10:57 AM] Brookey, Lindsay yes

​[10:57 AM] Owen McFadden YES!

​[10:57 AM] rodo Yes!

[10:57 AM] Kelsey Yes

​[10:57 AM] Buchanan, Bucky Yes!

​[10:57 AM] Daren A. Burns YES!

​[10:57 AM] Rosenberger, Liz Yes

​[10:57 AM] Linney, Sonya M Yes

​[10:57 AM] Matthew Gilstrap Yes!

​[10:57 AM] Dei Reich Yes!

​[10:57 AM] Knight, Linda A YES PLEASE

​[10:57 AM] Craig McPhail yes

​[10:57 AM] Maygan Williams Yes! 

[10:57 AM] Leah Belt yes!

​[10:57 AM] Ashley yes!

​[10:57 AM] Stephanie Yes ​

[10:57 AM] Tamsen Yes

​[10:57 AM] Mark Ritter - US Upstate Yes

​[10:57 AM] James Holmes Yes

​[10:57 AM] Mangili, Lauren M yes

​[10:57 AM] Andy Loufman yes

​[10:57 AM] David Hart Yes


​[10:57 AM] Wendy Motch-Ellis I do think we have to look at ppm of chlorine - I think we would want more than 1.0 ppm and should be shooting for 3.0 - 5.0.

​[10:57 AM] Clifton Bobbitt yes

​[10:57 AM] Jumper, Ryan A. yes

​[10:57 AM] Tori Lord yes!

​[10:57 AM] Lavender, John D Helpful. Yes

​[10:57 AM] Tim Stroud Yes from Davidson College

​[10:57 AM] Mike Caro Marc, that was an AC unit, but same principle applies. 

​[10:57 AM] Eddie Simmons yes

​[10:57 AM] Smith, Holly yes

[10:57 AM] Wendy Motch-Ellis yes

​[10:57 AM] Zachary K. Robinson YES (smile)

​[10:57 AM] James DuBose Very informative. Thanks.

​[10:57 AM] Clare, Kelly M yes

​[10:58 AM] Larry A. Zinger Great job panelist and excellent moderating Jess!

​[10:58 AM] Gabby Dickey yes to topics!

​[10:58 AM] Holly Guy yes

​[10:58 AM] Jim Tomsic we are considering not making showers available, though not sure how that would work for swimmers. (1 liked)

​[10:58 AM] Dei Reich Thanks to all of you for sharing!

​[10:59 AM] Wendy Motch-Ellis It would be really helpful to have someone knoweldgable to put togehter a chart of products that are recommended in fitness spaces and potential interactions, as well as activation time to be effective

​[10:59 AM] Newton, Janis M. Berry good! Would love to do another round table next week! From MUSC  Wellness Center : janis newton and jim Tomsic

​[10:59 AM] Jim Tomsic Great information!  This has been very informative, ​

[10:59 AM] Tamsen EPA has excellent list

​[10:59 AM] Brookey, Lindsay Thanks everyone!

​[11:00 AM] Shelby Stovall - UNC Asheville Thank you! Great conversation! ​

[11:00 AM] Lavender, John D Thanks for inviting me

[11:00 AM] Will Muehl thank you! this was great! looking forward to the next one! 

[11:00 AM] D.J. Preston Thanks, all!

​[11:00 AM] DESJARDINS, KATHERINE C Thanks everyone! Stay safe.

[11:00 AM] rodo Big THANK YOU!!!!

[11:00 AM] Johnson, James G Thank you all for your input!! ​

​[11:00 AM] Andy Loufman Thanks!

[11:00 AM] Tamsen Thank you

[Chat Ended]